Reveal skincare brand
Reveal is a skincare brand that looks to establish a personal connection with its consumers by addressing them and their personal journeys.

Reveal acknowledges and understands people of a younger demographic tend to struggle to accept themselves and a notable reason for this can be the appearance of the skin. Thus, Reveal aims to accommodate this younger demographic and aid them through their journeys with a simple to understand ,yet, effective range of skincare products.
During the ideation stage, the main point of consideration was to take into account the individual consuming the products.- it was essential to create a logo the consumer can confide in. The eventual bold typography personifies connotations of confidence and assurance whilst the logo aims to imitate the individual and the ‘revealing’ of oneself.
This colour palette is used to distinguish the product lineup in regard to skin type, creating a simplistic and easy to understand categorical system for the consumer.
To accompany the personalised touched acquainted by REVEAL, the brand goes further to ensure its consumers are directed individually. With its tagline, “REVEAL YOU”, the intended effect is to give consumers a sense of having a personal connection with the brand.
As Reveal is aimed at a more environmentally conscious brand, it is crucial for REVEALS products to contain organic ingredients which help with sustainable farming methods and, in turn, contribute to the protection of the earth, wildlife and human health.